Sunday 14 August 2016

  Hello There!

Thanks for dropping in to my page; 'tis nice of you to visit :-)

Hmmm ... where to start? Let's see. I'm guessing that, like most people who arrive here, you already know me in one way or another. So I'll skip the usual autobiographical stuff, and tell you why this page exists. Basically, Ranting Manor is a partial record of my thoughts and adventures over the past eleven years, as promised to various people before I left Australia in 2005 to spend a year teaching English in Russia. That move abroad turned out to be just the first step in a much longer journey, and hence 'The Manor' has survived ... and grown far beyond its originally intended size.  

There are some travel stories here, a bit of classroom-related stuff, and other random thoughts about the odd corners of the world I've ended up in at various times.

Btw, regarding my present whereabouts: I'm currently working in a summer camp in Finland, where I've spent six of the last ten summers (or at least, parts of summers). It's one of my favourite places in the world - in fact, whereas Finns themselves tend to unwind by escaping to a summer cottage or hiding in the sauna, their whole country achieves basically the same result for me. So by all means read on if ... well, if that sounds like it might be worth reading about :-)